© RomainCanto 2004 - 2025 | Coro e Orchestra dell'Aventino Roma
The Aventino's Choir
It was created with the intent to study and perform the greatest masterpieces of sacred music copyrights. Since 2004, founded and directed by Fabio Avolio, an intense concert activity in Rome and Lazio. He has worked for the RAI and has participated in cultural events sponsored by the City of Rome. Animated for several years, some solemn functions in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and has sung in the presence of SS Benedict XVI.
The choral group, composed of more than 60 elements, has recorded several compact discs containing performances of sacred symphonic repertoire, including "Missa in tempore belli" for soloists, chorus and orchestra by FJ Haydn's "Stabat Mater" and "Petite Messe solennelle "for soloists, chorus and orchestra by Rossini," Requiem "K 626 for soloists, chorus and orchestra by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart," Magnificat "BWV 243 for soloists, chorus and orchestra by JS Bach," Messa di Gloria "for soloists, chorus and orchestra by G. Puccini. He also recorded "Christmas in Concert", a CD of traditional Christmas songs arranged for choir and orchestra, annexed in December 2010 at the music magazine "Playing News." In 2007, before the Mayor of Paris and other French authorities, the Choir has been chosen for the twinning with the "Choeur sur la Seine" in Paris.

The Choir of the 'Aventine meets every Monday and Thursday from 19.00 to 20.40 at the' "Institute Holy Spirit" Aventine in Rome.
Via Asinio Pollione, 5

The choir is open to welcome new singers and vocalists who wish to join the group and participate in the activity and choral concerts.

For any further information you can write to the following email address:
To receive the dates of our concerts, send an email with the subject MAILING LIST REGISTRATION to coroaventino@romaincanto.com by entering your email address.
Associazione Musicale "ROMAinCANTO"
Piazza Sant'Alessio, 23 - 00153 - Roma