© RomainCanto 2004 - 2025 | Coro e Orchestra dell'Aventino Roma
The Director - Fabio Avolio
Fabio Avolio, choir conductor, studied music at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia in Rome and L. Refice in Frosinone, obtaining a degree in choral music and choir conducting with honors.

He also studied the organ, composition and vocal technique and specialized in music teaching at the University of Rome 3.

He attended masterclasses with world famous teachers and perfected his musical didactic skills at "Tor Vergata University" and "University Roma Tre" of Rome, obtaining the highest honours. In 1990 he starteded his his collaboration at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican as Assistent Master of the Musical Chapel of Chapter, assistant of Mons. Pablo Colino. Currently he is organist for the daily services held in the Cathedral.

He has founded and directed many choirs, achieving both public and critical acclaim, in particular: "Coro dell' Aventino", which has made several recordings of symphonic choral repertoire, and "Gruppo Vocale OCTOinCHORO" (8 professional singers) with a repertoire of Renaissance polyphony. He was a teacher at the school of Pueri Cantores della Cappella Sistina in the Vatican and prepared a selected group from the Chorus of St. Cecilia National Accademy for the concert of Händel's Messiah. He conducted choirs in the presence of Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedetto XVI and Pope Francesco.

He has composed liturgical hymns which have been performed in solemn beatification and canonization ceremonies at the Vatican, as well as sacred polyphony edited by Curci Editore and Paoline Audiovisivi. He has also recorded for Vatican Radio and RAI (Italian Radio and Television).

He has collaborated as a master with the “Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia” in Rome and currently holds various master classes and choral workshops on sacred polyphony of 16th century (Schola Romana), both in Italy and abroad. He is Art Director of the "Accademia Romana delle Arti" and Director of the "Permanent Seminar of Polyphony of the Schola Romana" at the National Institute of Roman Studies of Rome. He currently teaches "Choral Conducting" in the second level academic Master in Liturgical Music at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant’Anselmo University in Rome. He currently teaches "Choral Conducting" in the second level academic Master in Liturgical Music at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant’Anselmo University in Rome.

To contact the Director, please send an email to: direttore@romaincanto.com
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Associazione Musicale "ROMAinCANTO"
Piazza Sant'Alessio, 23 - 00153 - Roma